6 Quotes & Sayings By Caitlin Rush

Caitlin Rush is the author of the novels The Tipping Point, The Flaw, and Lies. Her writing has been published in over thirty countries. She lives with her husband, two sons, and one very large dog in San Francisco.

It wasn’t that she believed in voodoo, precisely–but she believed in the people who believed in voodoo–and that was scary enough. -Coralee Ayers Caitlin Rush
If all goes well, we will be back in time for a proper memorial service [for your father], Ben. I promise." Ben looked up, and all the bitterness was gone from his eyes, replaced somehow by both resignation and determination." And if all doesn't go well?" he asked, tightening his grip on Coralee's trusting hand as he led her outside to the driveway. Kira's flawless features morphed into something like a smile, yet wholly without happiness or humor." Then you'll all be meeting up with [your father] soon enough, I expect. Either that, or you shall wish it was so. . Caitlin Rush
Flashlights would have been nice. Next adventure, Coralee was going to bring a flashlight. Caitlin Rush
A breeze blew softly, slightly rippling the water as it carried the heady scents of late Carolina springtime through the air. Honeysuckle. Jasmine. Ripe, pungent river mud. Ah, the world felt right. Caitlin Rush
...you can’t plan out or perfectly schedule the big moments in your life. They just happen to you when they happen, sometimes because you made them happen and sometimes because you couldn’t stop them from happening. Caitlin Rush